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Key Information & Reminders

Arrivals and departures 

Our school day starts at 8.50am.

Our gates will be opened at 8.35am when members of staff will be on duty in the playground. Doors open at 8.40am to enable children to enter ready for an 8.50am start. Please ensure that your child arrives on time.

Children who arrive after 8.50am need to enter through the school office and must be signed in by an adult.

Year 1 children may enter the school through the Year 1 classroom doors, via the staff carpark at 8.40am, ready to be met by a member of staff.

We ask that children do not use the play equipment in the playground before or after school. The use of mobile phones is not permitted on the school premises.


Year 1 children will be dismissed by their teacher at 3.15pm, via the Year 1 classroom doors.

If a parent or carer is going to be late collecting their child we ask that they ring the school to let us know and then collect from the school office.  Please do not use the staff car park to park or drop off children. Please note that no dogs are allowed on the premises, with the exception of assistance dogs.

Reporting Absence

We ask that parents report any absence and the reason for it by 9.00am on the first day, using the school App or by telephone and on any subsequent days of absence. If a child does not arrive for morning registration and the parent/carer has not informed the school by 9.00am, we will send an App notification or phone to establish the reason for absence.

Healthcare Plans & Administering Medication Forms

It is important that we are kept regularly up to date with your child's healthcare needs. If your child has a health condition please tell us by completing an Individual Healthcare Plan here.

If your child requires medication whilst in school, please also complete a Parental Agreement for Setting to Administer Medicine Form here.

Please bring your child's medication to the school reception to be signed in. The school can only accept medication in its original packaging indicating the patient name and dosage that has been prescribed by a Dr and when both of the above forms have been received.

End of Day Arrangements Forms

Please complete the attached form to inform us of your child's end of day arrangements.

Contact Details

Please inform us of any changes to your contact details, by emailing the school office or by using the School Gateway app.

Extra-curricular activities and clubs

A range of internal extra-curricular clubs and activities will be advertised at the start of each term. Parents can sign their child up for a club using the school App.

A selection of 'paid for' clubs are also offered by external providers. For more information on what is available for your child, please visit our Extra-Curricular Activities Page.