Welcome to Year 2
Welcome Dragonflies and Caterpillars!
In Year 2 we have lots of fun whilst we learn and have some fascinating topics to explore. We will learn all about London, comparing the city now to its past (including the Great Fire of 1666). In Geography, we will take a journey around the globe, studying the countries, continents, seas and oceans that make our world so wonderful. Engaging science lessons will investigate everyday materials and their uses and living things and their habitats. You will have the opportunity to bake flapjacks and sew your own decorative bunting in design and technology lessons. We also have many more exciting learning opportunities coming your way!
Mrs Skehan (Mon, Tues, Fri) and Mrs Richardson (Wed, Thurs) will be your Dragonflies teachers and Miss Lee (Mon-Thurs) and Mrs Bains will be teaching Caterpillars.
For more information on moving up to Year 2 and our curriculum, please take a look at our information pages.